+ 15: The Coronavirus Crisis 2: Why Is Society so Vulnerable? Created at 1. Dec. 2020 1632 Ansichten by dorftv BeschreibungEmbed The Coroavirus Crisis: Why is Society so Vulnerable? Part II of: What Type of Crisis is This? A lecture in four parts for Ars Electronica 2020. We live in the richest society of all time. But a break of two or three months cannot be managed without serious problems. This has to do with the organisation of wealth in capitalist economies and with the transformation of the global economic system in the period of the so called gobalisation. This has led to a huge wealth gap that has increased in many countries in recent years. The reorganisation of economic activities , e.g. by global value chains, made the global system more rational and efficient, as many indicators show. What is forgotten, however, is that it simultaneously becomes more and more vulnerable and more and more unstable. Large parts of the economy are constantly operating at the limit without reserves and buffers. In 2008, we learned just how unstable the financial system has become. The coronavirus shock shows how vulnerable our entire economic system has become on a global scale. Credits: The videos were edited by Niko Mayr Walter Ötsch ist Professor für Ökonomie und Kulturgeschichte am Institut für Ökonomie der Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung https://www.cusanus-hochschule.de/ https://www.walteroetsch.at Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Walter Ötsch 68 Videos, 2 Members Playlists #Tags Coronavirus Walter Ötsch Ars Electronica Festival Niko Mayr Ökonomie More from Channel 00:27:27 Univ. Prof. Dr. Walter Ötsch Welt-Bilder | 11.2 | Welche Welt-Bilder haben wir heute? - 1 Walter Ötsch since 8 years 6 months 01:31:28 Univ. 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Part IV of: What Type of Crisis is This? 17: The Coronavirus Crisis 4: Looking to the Future Walter Ötsch since 4 years 1 month 00:16:57 Sind Steueroasen Ausnahmeländer und Randerscheinungen? 11: Steueroasen: Nebenaspekt oder zentral für das globale Fi Walter Ötsch since 4 years 4 months 00:10:08 Wie gehen die großen IT-Konzerne mit ihren Usern um? Warum sind wir so machtlos? 13: Überwachungskapitalismus 2: Wie behandeln IT-Konzerne ih Walter Ötsch since 4 years 4 months 00:10:37 Wie ist es Google gelungen, zu einer der größten Firmen weltweit zu werden? 12: Überwachungskapitalismus I: Wie ist das Geschäftsmodell Walter Ötsch since 4 years 4 months 00:12:18 Seit den 1980er-Jahren wissen wir um die Folgen der von Menschen verursachten Erwärmung der Erde. 18: Was verhindert die rasche ökologische Wende? 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