+ Zu Hause mit... Yazdan Zand Created at 15. Apr. 2021 1428 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed This time Manuela Naveau welcomes Yazdan Zand into the studio for a conversation about his life and work, especially in regards to the Ars Electronica Festival, for which he created a short film this year that we're proud to show for the first time on this occasion. Born in Tehran, Yazdan Zand discovered his interest in music and sound design after working in an architecture firm for a year. During an internship at a sound studio he met a number of young and talented film and theater directors with whom he realized his first projects. With the academic opportunities in Iran in this field being very limited, he made the decision to go abroad to study. In 2015, he happened to meet not only Gerfried Stocker, Ars Electronica’s Artistic Director, but also the city of Linz for the first time at a presentation of the Ars Electronica Center in Tehran. As it would later turn out, this was an impulse for him and soon after he began a degree programme at the University of Art in Linz in the field of Time-Based Media. Working with a camera developed his passion for documentary films and video productions, lead to his work for Dorf.TV and in 2018 he created the short documentary “The Art of Imperfection” about the Ars Electronica Festival for a television station. In 2019 the story comes full circle – and Yazdan Zand becomes part of Ars Electronica as video producer. Ars Electronica https://ars.electronica.art/ Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Ars Electronica 137 Videos, 1 Members #Tags Yazdan Zand zu hause mit at home with More from Channel 00:52:59 Konferenz zu kritischen kulturellen Praxen in digitalen Netzen. INFORMATION ALS WIRKLICHKEIT Teil 3 - Keynote: Steve Kurtz M Ars Electronica since 10 years 5 months Fachtagung zu Entwicklungen in der Computeranimation. Lentos, 5. September 2014 EXPANED ANIMATION - Exploring the vastness of art, theory an Ars Electronica since 10 years 5 months Fachtagung zu Entwicklungen in der Computeranimation. Lentos, 5. September 2014 EXPANED ANIMATION - Exploring the vastness of art, theory an Ars Electronica since 10 years 5 months Alle Videos finden sich unter diesem Link: ZusammenHelfen-Konferenz 2018 Ars Electronica since 6 years 5 months DO 3.9.2015, 10:00-15:30, POST CITY, Conference Square Ars Electronica 2015 - Connecting Cities Conference (Vormitt Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months DO 3.9.2015, 10:00-15:30, POST CITY, Conference Square Ars Electronica 2015 - Connecting Cities Conference (Nachmit Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months Do 3.9.2015, 15:30 –17:00 POST CITY, Conference Square Ars Electronica 2015 - STARTS Workshop: Linking S&T&Arts Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months Der Mobilitätsbegriff dieses POST-CITY-Symposiums ist ein sehr weit gefasster: Er verbindet den s Ars Electronica 2015 - POST CITY Symposium I: Future Mobili Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months FR 4.9.2015, 14:30-17:45, POST CITY, Conference Square PostCity Ars Electronica 2015 - POST CITY Symposium II: Connecting C Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months SO 6.9.2015, 10:00-12:30, POST CITY, Conference Square Festival Ars Electronica 2015 - Symposium III: Post Public, Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months So wie die Ausstellung gleichen Namens wendet sich auch das Habitat 21-Symposium ebenso unterschi Ars Electronica 2015 - POST CITY Symposium IV: Habitat 21 Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months SO 6.9.2015, 15:30-17:00 POST CITY, Conference Square Festival Ars Electronica 2015 - POST CITY Kit Workshop: Absc Ars Electronica since 9 years 5 months Mehr vom User 00:01:00 ein film von raffael stiborek eindrücke von paris tanyeah paris Open Space since 13 years 8 months 00:00:17 erster teil der kurzfilmreihe von lies lendais reiter 1 lies lendais Open Space since 13 years 8 months 00:00:12 dritter teil der kurzfilmreihe "reiter" lies lendais reiter3 lies lendais Open Space since 13 years 8 months 00:00:13 vierter teil der kurzfilreihe "reiter" lies lendais reiter4 lies lendais Open Space since 13 years 8 months 00:00:06 idiotes.. lise lendais bovary á table Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:11 idiotes... lise lendais bovary á table 3 Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:03:10 fuzzy zieht um trailer zum dokumentarfilm vom bernhard roschitz fuzzy zieht um, trailer zum dokumentarfilm Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:12 madame bovary lies lendais madame bovary Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:29 bovary pluie2 lies lendais 3.teil der kurzfilmstrecke bovary pluie2 Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:18 bovary rotte lies lendais 4.teil der kurzfilmstrecke bovary rotte Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:24 bovary pluie lies lendais kurzfilmstrecke bovary pluie Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:01:26 am rad : walter mayerhofer ein film von raffael stiborek BMX movie raffael stiborek Open Space since 13 years 7 months More like this 00:45:58 For today’s talk the At home with… studio opens its door to Emiko Ogawa, a Japanese curator and a At home with… Emiko Ogawa Ars Electronica since 3 years 10 months 00:38:54 It will soon be one year since the launch of the Ars Electronica Home Delivery series “Pianograph Ars Electronica Home Delivery: Concert: J.S. 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