+ Oliver Wolf - The Pedalist - Webisode #1 Created at 20. Aug. 2016 10726 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed One Day in the Life of Bike Messenger Oliver Wolf We met Oliver in his hometown Linz to film his daily routine juggling two jobs. He works as a bike messenger at GreenPedals and as a stage-hand at Posthof music venue. Starting early in the morning we followed Oliver from his house to various locations where he delivered envelopes, parcels and books. We tried to capture Oliver's bold rides through the traffic of Linz with our Sony α7s (Mark ii) cameras. ABOUT THE FILM. The film crew of Bud and Terence is known for their spectacular bike videos. Now they want to look at cycling from a different perspective. They try to approach a true sports rebel. Oliver is an unorthodox cyclist, preparing for an extra-ordinary race. The film crew will follow him on the fight against himself on the unforgiving way to Turkey. On an average bike tour Oliver rides up to 400 kilometers – a day. During his bike travels all over the world he discovered his passion for unsupported long distance cycling. The Transcontinental Race starting July 29, 2016 is Oliver's biggest challenge so far. He will ride from Belgium to Turkey. He wants to overcome the approximate distance of 4,000 kilometers and climb up to 40,000 meters in altitude – including the Swiss Alps and the mountains of Montenegro – as fast as possible. As the Transcontinental is a self-supported race, Oliver will be all by himself. There is neither prize money nor a trophy to win. It's all about pushing the boundaries and the passion for cycling. http://www.thepedalist.com Credits: Florian Maderebner/ Bud and Terence Films http://bud-and-terence.com/ Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. 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