+ Campus Ars Electronica 2012 - SOUND STUDIES / Lebensräume Created at 30. Aug. 2012 9265 Ansichten by Arijyak BeschreibungEmbed Anläßlich der diesjährigen Ars Electronica präsentiert der Masterstudiengang Sound Studies der UdK Berlin Arbeiten von ehemaligen und aktuellen Studierenden Sound Studies: Sam Auinger, Experimentelle Klanggestaltung und Kurator der Campus Exhibition 2012 Alex Arteaga, auditive Architektur Georg Spehr, Auditives Design und Co-Kurator der Campus Exhibition 2012 Martin Supper, Studiengangsleiter Sound Studies Alberto de Campo, Generative Kunst/Computational Art Moderation: Andre Zogholy Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Ars Electronica 138 Videos, 1 Members Playlists #Tags Sam Auinger Kunstuniversität Linz Sound Studies HdK Berlin Sound More from Channel 01:50:33 Konferenz zu kritischen kulturellen Praxen in digitalen Netzen. INFORMATION ALS WIRKLICHKEIT Teil 1 - D.I.Y. zwischen Digita Ars Electronica since 10 years 1 month 00:52:59 Konferenz zu kritischen kulturellen Praxen in digitalen Netzen. INFORMATION ALS WIRKLICHKEIT Teil 3 - Keynote: Steve Kurtz M Ars Electronica since 10 years 1 month Fachtagung zu Entwicklungen in der Computeranimation. Lentos, 5. September 2014 EXPANED ANIMATION - Exploring the vastness of art, theory an Ars Electronica since 10 years 1 month Fachtagung zu Entwicklungen in der Computeranimation. Lentos, 5. September 2014 EXPANED ANIMATION - Exploring the vastness of art, theory an Ars Electronica since 10 years 1 month Alle Videos finden sich unter diesem Link: ZusammenHelfen-Konferenz 2018 Ars Electronica since 6 years 1 month DO 3.9.2015, 10:00-15:30, POST CITY, Conference Square Ars Electronica 2015 - Connecting Cities Conference (Vormitt Ars Electronica since 9 years 1 month DO 3.9.2015, 10:00-15:30, POST CITY, Conference Square Ars Electronica 2015 - Connecting Cities Conference (Nachmit Ars Electronica since 9 years 1 month Do 3.9.2015, 15:30 –17:00 POST CITY, Conference Square Ars Electronica 2015 - STARTS Workshop: Linking S&T&Arts Ars Electronica since 9 years 1 month Der Mobilitätsbegriff dieses POST-CITY-Symposiums ist ein sehr weit gefasster: Er verbindet den s Ars Electronica 2015 - POST CITY Symposium I: Future Mobili Ars Electronica since 9 years 1 month FR 4.9.2015, 14:30-17:45, POST CITY, Conference Square PostCity Ars Electronica 2015 - POST CITY Symposium II: Connecting C Ars Electronica since 9 years 1 month SO 6.9.2015, 10:00-12:30, POST CITY, Conference Square Festival Ars Electronica 2015 - Symposium III: Post Public, Ars Electronica since 9 years 1 month So wie die Ausstellung gleichen Namens wendet sich auch das Habitat 21-Symposium ebenso unterschi Ars Electronica 2015 - POST CITY Symposium IV: Habitat 21 Ars Electronica since 9 years 1 month Mehr vom User 01:48:30 ECHT/FALSCH. HOCHKONJUNKTUR DER FÄLSCHER Smoke on the Water 23.3.2011 Open Space since 13 years 6 months 00:00:05 Vorspann Jugendschutz Jugendfreigabe ab 18 Teaser & Ankündigungen since 13 years 5 months 00:06:06 Projekt im Rahmen des Studiengangs Medientechnik und Design an der Fachhochschule in Hagenberg Gemeinsam einsam Open Space since 13 years 6 months 01:02:38 Maschinenhalle # 1 Maschinenhalle # 1 Kunst since 13 years 4 months 00:18:39 Georg Friedl hat bei einigen der besten Köchen des Landes gelernt, sein Handwerk aber die längste Linzfest Talks (3) - Georg Friedl Linzfest since 13 years 3 months 00:00:30 FDR TRAILER BAUM FDR TRAILER BAUM pockit FDR 2011 since 13 years 3 months 00:38:09 Pamela Neuwirth und Simone Boria im Gespräch mit Gilbert & George am Tag vor der Eröffnung. GILBERT & GEORGE. JACK FREAK PICTURES Open Space since 13 years 3 months 00:12:41 Die Landwirtstochter ist Magistra der Soziologie, Magistra der Betriebswirtschaft und Doktorin de Linzfest Talks (6) - Sigrid Lamberg Linzfest since 13 years 3 months 00:24:51 Linz Talks beim Linzfest 2011 - Turan Ünal. Linzfest Talks (1) - Turan Ünal Linzfest since 13 years 3 months 01:11:45 Philosophische Matinee im Kepler Salon am 8.5.2011. Thema: Wird die Macht neu verteilt? Philosophische Matinee: Wird die Macht neu verteilt? Open Space since 13 years 4 months More like this 00:45:44 Live-Talk aus dem dorf tv. u19 - CREATE YOUR WORLD - Unifokus Ars Electronica since 12 years 1 month 01:59:38 Gehen sie mit Fadimat105 und seinen Gästen katrinem und Sam Auinger auf eine Klangreise Fadimat105 Mai23 Fadimat 105 since 1 year 4 months 00:28:32 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents ƒ!№ Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:29:48 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Sturmherta Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:18:03 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Bibi Finster Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:13:25 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Sanfte Grüße Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:42:35 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Pablo Torres Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:21:41 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Pina Cellada Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:32:17 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Puke Puddle Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:19:02 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Alejandro Quiñones Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months 00:30:00 This year’s program Scaping Sound is dedicated to spatial sound, sound creation, Sound Campus presents Störenfried Sound Campus since 1 year 9 months