
AMRO20_ gunship collider — netlabel dance mix | Dominik Leitner

Created at 18. Jun. 2020

2884 Ansichten
by servus

Music from when the internet was still the Wild Wild Web. Before the monopolies took over, and streaming platforms became the norm, netlabels where doing invaluable work. Between .gif-laden websites you'd find .zip files full of the strangest sounds free to download. Published either under creative commons, or without regard for any copyright at all, their own or someone else's. Not bound by genre limitations you'd find anything from chiptune to pop, classical and breakcore, and lots of noise.
Few still run their own websites, some migrated to bigger platforms, others are only found in web archives, or if they are not backed up on someones hard drive - lost forever.

The visuals will be made live on a collaborative drawing tool from the same time period. Based on a conversation at the beginning of the lock down I had to think of a drawing board where people could draw simultaneously via a website. I couldn't remember the name, only that I first encountered it on the website of some flash game artist. Not remembering his name either, I went to a website from the early days of browser games, there I found the artist, and a link to a defunct page. Thanks to archive.org I could retrieve an old version of the page. The drawing tool there wasn't visible anymore, but in the html code I found the name groupboard.com, and so I could implement it on my page.

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