
Expanded Animation - Ars Electronica 2017 - onformative / Cedric Kiefer (DE), Dancing with the Datasets

Created at 24. Jun. 2019

3636 Ansichten
by patfish


The thresholds of art, design and technology make way for vast experimental possibilities. Blurring the lines between these mediums creates a challenging perspective to examine the relationship between humans and technology. Using different technologies onformative constantly search for new ways of creative expression. From animations to installations, onformative will talk about the background and inspiration behind some of their latest projects. Following a versatile approach to the creative process, onformative will share their philosophy and credo through the collaborative and interdisciplinary practice of the studio and explain their way of working.

Festival Ars Electronica, 8. September 2017

Fachhochschule OÖ – Campus Hagenberg (AT), Ars Electronica (AT)
Das Symposium Expanded Animation feiert mit der fünften Ausgabe sein erstes kleines Jubiläum. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion stehen hybride Technologien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Animationsproduktion. Die Entwicklungen werden in mehreren Panels aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven von AnimationsfilmemacherInnen, MedienkünstlerInnen, Game-DesignerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen ausgelotet.

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