+ servus.at CoreNightHike presents Miss Baltazar`s Laboratory - der etwas andere Hackspace Created at 3. Dec. 2013 14488 Ansichten by servus BeschreibungEmbed servus CoreNightHike presents Miss Baltazar's Laboratory Zum Kern der Community des Netzkulturknotens servus.at in Linz zählen zahlreiche Kunst und Kulturschaffende. Mit den „CoreNightHikes“ stellt servus.at die Frage, womit sich das Umfeld und die servus Community aktuell beschäftigt. Eingeladen werden KünstlerInnen, um einen Einblick in ihre aktuellen Projekte zu geben. Miss Baltazar`s Laboratory - der etwas andere Hackspace. Das Miss Baltazar`s Laboratory in Wien ist ein offenes Labor für Technik Enthusiastinnen. Als Mischung aus Atelier, Hackerspace und Lab bietet es Frauen und Trans einen Ort der Auseinandersetzung mit neuen Technologien. Die Betreiberinnen widmen sich im Geiste der DIT (Do it together) Bewegung der spielerischen Entmystifizierung von neuen Technologien und teilen diesen lustvollen Umgang zur Schaffung von unterschiedlichsten Projekten. Freie Open Source Software und offene Hardware kommen dabei zum Einsatz oder sollen zum Prinzip werden. Zu Gast bei Ushi Reiter / servus.at und Roswitha Kröll / fiftitu% ist Miss Baltazar's Laboratory Gründerin Stefanie Wuschitz. "In unserer Sendung bei DorfTV werfen wir einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Miss Baltazar`s Laboratory und diskutieren im Anschluss mit Linzer Akteurinnen, ob Hacklabs tatsächlich unsere Welt verändern können." core.servus.at/content/servus-corenighthike-dorftv-miss-baltazars-laboratory-der-etwas-andere-hackspace Live gesendet am 2. Dezember 2013 Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. servus.at 106 Videos, 2 Members Playlists #Tags Kultur Stefanie Wuschitz open hardware Hackspace servus.at medien feminismus Roswitha Kröll Kunst Ushi Reiter More from Channel 01:18:32 Festival ART MEETS RADICAL OPENNESS 2016 Felix Stalder: Radical Openness & the Crisis servus.at since 8 years 3 months 01:08:43 For most of us consumers electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks, printers or Behind the Smart World - Über Fragen von Verwertbarkeit und servus.at since 9 years 3 months 00:07:27 Eine Veranstaltung von servus.at in Kooperation mit der Abteilung Zeitbasierte Medien, Kunstunive Research Lab 2017: Meet the Bot, Feed the Bot - Introduction servus.at since 5 years 7 months 00:19:54 Isolation Hyms & Lockdown Anthems is exploring the expanding technical environment of video c AMRO20_ Isolation Hyms & Lockdown Anthems servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:40:30 darkvoice is an album and a set of videos reflecting on the role of spoken language in the age of AMRO20_ Darkvoice servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:12:01 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:09:11 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:16:24 If you are interested in this topic you might work with a bunch of people on various topics. XR SOS - Decentralized organizational models - servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:33:04 Aire is a generative sound piece inspired by the complexity and variation of atmospheric data in AMRO20_ Aire | Interspecifics servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:20:41 There are many different attachments with family, lover and friends in life, which are often quit AMRO20_ Human | Yen Tzu Chang servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:40:48 "Self-Similarity" is a performance for sonification and visualization of states of disorder and i AMRO20_ Self-Similarity | Wolfgang Spahn servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:37:08 HIPERSONICA // live coded music // improvised music // generative music // stochastic music // te AMRO20_ HIPERSONICA | Alexandra Cardenas servus.at since 4 years 2 months Mehr vom User 00:07:27 Eine Veranstaltung von servus.at in Kooperation mit der Abteilung Zeitbasierte Medien, Kunstunive Research Lab 2017: Meet the Bot, Feed the Bot - Introduction servus.at since 5 years 7 months 00:19:54 Isolation Hyms & Lockdown Anthems is exploring the expanding technical environment of video c AMRO20_ Isolation Hyms & Lockdown Anthems servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:40:30 darkvoice is an album and a set of videos reflecting on the role of spoken language in the age of AMRO20_ Darkvoice servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:12:01 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:09:11 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:16:24 If you are interested in this topic you might work with a bunch of people on various topics. XR SOS - Decentralized organizational models - servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:33:04 Aire is a generative sound piece inspired by the complexity and variation of atmospheric data in AMRO20_ Aire | Interspecifics servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:20:41 There are many different attachments with family, lover and friends in life, which are often quit AMRO20_ Human | Yen Tzu Chang servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:40:48 "Self-Similarity" is a performance for sonification and visualization of states of disorder and i AMRO20_ Self-Similarity | Wolfgang Spahn servus.at since 4 years 2 months 00:37:08 HIPERSONICA // live coded music // improvised music // generative music // stochastic music // te AMRO20_ HIPERSONICA | Alexandra Cardenas servus.at since 4 years 2 months 01:05:58 Die Roboter kommen? 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