+ Le Formiche di Mida – trailer | IFFR 2023 Created at 29. Nov. 2023 220 Ansichten by dorf BeschreibungEmbed A cinematic search for the points in history where ideas of nature changed, partly narrated by a donkey. Midas’ Ants Or How To Turn A Faun Into A Plant Austria /Italy 2023Languages Italian, Arabic (Eng subs)At Rome’s gates an ancient house overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea. Its grim owner trumpets patrioticslogans from its terrace while the local priest shoots anything beyond his comprehension. Joinedby a choir of African immigrants peasants indulge in Hegelian thinking while the donkey Balthazarlays out a philosophical discourse on man and nature. MIDAS’ ANTS is a cinematic research for the crystallisation points in human history at which ourideas of nature have transformed. Represented by amateur actors whose roles, based on theirown characters, are intertwined like vignettes, a dream world unfolds. The 75’ film untangles thedichotomy human/nature with playful seriousness, but surely will make you laugh. ActorsAnna Teresa Rossini, Roberto Fia, Lampino, Peppe Gnochetto, Giancarlo Camurani, ElenaMoschoni, Ignazio Cancedda, Marie Terese Mukamitsindo, Renato Mosconi, Giovanna Mosconi, CrewCamera Fabrizio FarroniGaffer Gianluca CappellettiSound Azzurra StirpeProduction Designer Carlo BrignolaMake up Artist Arianna FerriEditors Thomas Woschitz / Edgar HonetschlägerMusic Luca di Volo & Eleonora Tassinari, Roberto FiaColor Grading/Compositing Andrea FaviaSound Design Silvia MoraesAssistant Director Renato ChioccaScreenplay / Producer / Director Edgar HonetschlägerProduction Edoko Institute Film ProductionContact/Production CompanyEdoko Institute Film Production / Edgar Honetschlägereh@akis.at, www.honetschlaeger.com Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. 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