+ Lectures4Future: “Climate Change and Health - the Triple Benefit Principle” by Klaus Renoldner (EN) Created at 19. Apr. 2021 1054 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed Dr. med. Klaus Renoldner, M.Sc. is a doctor and sustainability researcher. He teaches at the MODUL University Vienna, the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg and at the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum. The presentation starts with an introduction into anthropogenic climate change, the lecture discusses the main impacts of climate change on human health at a global scale, namely health consequences of heat, increased precipitation, and a rising sea level. In the discussion of possible human counteractions particular emphasis is placed on the distinction of mitigation and adaptation measures and respective consequences for human health. The impacts of housing, nutrition, and transport on climate change are analysed. The presentation includes many practical examples, data and pictures from the personal work experience and experiments of the author in Latin America and in Austria. The „Triple Benefit Principle“ , developed since 1996 by the author, is explained and demonstrated: Paths of possible reduction of greenhouse gases in daily life are analysed, health effects are demonstrated. Questions of Sustainable investment of achieved savings and the enegry break even point are explained. For a deeper understanding oft he „Triple Benefit Principle“ , there is , in addition, the possibility to see the short film „The Triple Benefit Principle – Can we really live in a sustainable way?“ (15 minutes duration, see Youtube) Eventually, bottom-up and top-down measures to combat climate change are compared with a short outlook on carbon tax and the „green paradox“. Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. 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