+ Public Health Literacy and Community Media: Country Presentations 3 – Ireland Created at 3. Jun. 2024 111 Ansichten by COMMIT BeschreibungEmbed Presentations plus Q&A with Simon Olipitz and Claremorris Community Radio held at the E3J-Conference “Public Health Literacy and Community Media in Europe” organised by COMMIT and CMFE in Vienna, January 19, 2024 at Presseclub Concordia Simon Olipitz presented the background research findings conducted by the national researcher from Ireland, Kathy Cush. The research showed that the healthcare system in Ireland is in crisis, with inequality in health and access to health as key challenges. Community-based supports and interventions through the local voluntary and community sector are part of the solution. In the Irish Community Media landscape, local radio has a great potential for this, as it is very much part of local communities and must actively provide social benefit to the community. Claremorris Community Radio has only a 10 km transmission radius, and a potential reach of up to 10.000 listeners. Their main focus is solidarity-focused, highlighting the ‘social benefit’ they generate – a part of the Irish community media remit. With “Healthy Conversations – chats about better living” that station had recruited a whole new team for the public health editorial group, starting out with basic radio production skills training. The station had experienced the new radio volunteers’ excitement, realising the power of engaging the community in the issues about health and good living, of immediate interest to their community. More infos on the conference and the E3J-project can be found here: https://www.commit.at/veranstaltungen/details/public-health-literacy-and-community-media-in-europe Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. COMMIT 10 Videos, 1 Members #Tags Simon Olipitz commit Claremorris Community Radio Presseclub Concordia CMFE More from Channel 00:43:25 Keynote of Alton Grizzle, held at the E3J-Conference Public Health Literacy and Community Media i Why is Media & Information Literacy central to Public Health COMMIT since 12 months 00:54:22 Presentations plus Q&A with Isabel Lema, Onda Color Comunitaria, Radio Jabato and Rad Public Health Literacy and Community Media: Country Presenta COMMIT since 8 months 1 week 00:43:10 Presentations on the research and production phase from Austria held at the E3J- Public Health Literacy and Community Media: Country Presenta COMMIT since 8 months 1 week 00:10:46 Keynote of Jun Ryan Orbina, held at the E3J-Conference “Public Health Literacy and Community Medi Public Health and community media: why? 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