+ Un-Limited Responsibility - Artist Talk: Irena Lagator Pejovic Created at 13. Jul. 2020 2863 Ansichten by KEPLER SALON BeschreibungEmbed Through her projects, Irena Lagator Pejovic tries to awake a sense of responsibility. The artist works with the photosensitive fiscal receipts using them as both indexical traces of consumerist activities and signs of the culture of limited responsibility. What art can do to make un-limited responsibility thinkable? The talk will focus on the exhibition “For the Common Good” (KU Linz) that problematizes the planetary responsibility and “the common” in the context of ecological crises. Vortrag in englischer Sprache Irena Lagator Pejović Künstlerin Karolina Majewska Güde Gastgeberin Eine Veranstaltung der Katholischen Privat-Universität Linz in Kooperation mit dem Kepler Salon Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. 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