+ Nichts zu verbergen? Kleine Funk-Chips auf Reisen (RFID) Created at 27. Sep. 2010 8348 Ansichten by servus BeschreibungEmbed Die Animation zeigt, dass der Einsatz von RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) eine unsichtbare, automatische und drahtlose Identifizierung von Gegenständen und Lebewesen möglich macht. Wirtschaft und Politik denken sich fieberhaft und nahezu täglich neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für RFID-Chips aus. Die Animation versucht komplexe und für KonsumentInnen oft intransparente Zusammenhänge auf einfache Weise zu vermitteln und kritisch zu hinterfragen, was sich hinter dem wachsenden Boom von RFID-Chips verbirgt und wie diese unsere Umwelt verändern werden. Konzept & Text: Thomas Diesenreiter, Uschi Reiter, Peter Wagenhuber Storyboard & Grafik: Christian Korherr (luftspur.com) Storyboard & Animation: Leonard Wegscheider Stimmen: Simone Boria, Ingo Leindecker Musik: Stefan Messner Recording: Michael Schweiger Mastering: Coma Zero at bleeding ears studios Illustrationen: Neubauwelt/Luftspur. Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. servus.at 130 Videos, 2 Members Playlists #Tags neue Technologien Funkchips RFID More from Channel 01:18:32 Festival ART MEETS RADICAL OPENNESS 2016 Felix Stalder: Radical Openness & the Crisis servus.at since 8 years 4 months 00:07:27 Eine Veranstaltung von servus.at in Kooperation mit der Abteilung Zeitbasierte Medien, Kunstunive Research Lab 2017: Meet the Bot, Feed the Bot - Introduction servus.at since 5 years 9 months 00:40:30 darkvoice is an album and a set of videos reflecting on the role of spoken language in the age of AMRO20_ Darkvoice servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:12:01 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 5 months 00:09:11 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 5 months 00:16:24 If you are interested in this topic you might work with a bunch of people on various topics. XR SOS - Decentralized organizational models - servus.at since 4 years 4 months 00:33:04 Aire is a generative sound piece inspired by the complexity and variation of atmospheric data in AMRO20_ Aire | Interspecifics servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:20:41 There are many different attachments with family, lover and friends in life, which are often quit AMRO20_ Human | Yen Tzu Chang servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:40:48 "Self-Similarity" is a performance for sonification and visualization of states of disorder and i AMRO20_ Self-Similarity | Wolfgang Spahn servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:37:08 HIPERSONICA // live coded music // improvised music // generative music // stochastic music // te AMRO20_ HIPERSONICA | Alexandra Cardenas servus.at since 4 years 3 months 01:05:58 Die Roboter kommen? Fake News und Social Bots in Wahlkämpfen 2017 Research Lab 2017: Markus Reuter - Die Roboter kommen? servus.at since 5 years 9 months 00:23:42 Im Juli 2010 tauchte SAZAE BOT das erste Mal auf Twitter auf. Research Lab 2017: SAZAE BOT - You Can Be Anyone This Time A servus.at since 5 years 9 months Mehr vom User 00:07:27 Eine Veranstaltung von servus.at in Kooperation mit der Abteilung Zeitbasierte Medien, Kunstunive Research Lab 2017: Meet the Bot, Feed the Bot - Introduction servus.at since 5 years 9 months 00:40:30 darkvoice is an album and a set of videos reflecting on the role of spoken language in the age of AMRO20_ Darkvoice servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:12:01 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 5 months 00:09:11 The most famous critique of social distancing started in anthropologycircles once we had official AMRO20_ Nishant Shah - Intimacy and its (technological) disc servus.at since 4 years 5 months 00:16:24 If you are interested in this topic you might work with a bunch of people on various topics. XR SOS - Decentralized organizational models - servus.at since 4 years 4 months 00:33:04 Aire is a generative sound piece inspired by the complexity and variation of atmospheric data in AMRO20_ Aire | Interspecifics servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:20:41 There are many different attachments with family, lover and friends in life, which are often quit AMRO20_ Human | Yen Tzu Chang servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:40:48 "Self-Similarity" is a performance for sonification and visualization of states of disorder and i AMRO20_ Self-Similarity | Wolfgang Spahn servus.at since 4 years 3 months 00:37:08 HIPERSONICA // live coded music // improvised music // generative music // stochastic music // te AMRO20_ HIPERSONICA | Alexandra Cardenas servus.at since 4 years 3 months 01:05:58 Die Roboter kommen? Fake News und Social Bots in Wahlkämpfen 2017 Research Lab 2017: Markus Reuter - Die Roboter kommen? servus.at since 5 years 9 months 00:23:42 Im Juli 2010 tauchte SAZAE BOT das erste Mal auf Twitter auf. Research Lab 2017: SAZAE BOT - You Can Be Anyone This Time A servus.at since 5 years 9 months 00:27:58 Marloes de Valk talks at servus.at symposium "Vaping Networks - Will an Organic Internet save our Research Lab 2019: Greenwashing and other strategies to defl servus.at since 4 years 9 months More like this 00:14:35 MAG. DR. ELISABETH HÖDL www.court.at Rfid: MAG. DR. ELISABETH HÖDL servus.at since 14 years 00:18:41 ARMIN MEDOSCH www.thenextlayer.org Rfid: ARMIN MEDOSCH servus.at since 14 years 00:04:37 https://open.spotify.com/album/1t Äffchen & Craigs - WUNDERSCHENA SEPP Musikvideo since 1 year 1 month 00:46:25 DiskutantInnen: Konrad Rehling, Südwind Österreich Wear Fair live - CLEAN GREEN IT?! - Podiumsdiskussion. 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