+ Tabernak (2018) Created at 18. Aug. 2022 487 Ansichten by bibi finster BeschreibungEmbed TABERNAK Video (15min) 2018 Birgit Finster Andrea Metzger Clemens Stöttinger Julien Segarra A: „We are in the middle of the audience…“ B: “…the audience?” A: “Yeah, the audience – THE PEOPLE!” C: “Tabernak is what`s in it… it´s the holy substance…” A: “Is it interactive?” B; “so… it´s gonna be a little play” Tabernak is a group of people, trying to find their way into performance Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Open Space 3628 Videos, 2133 Members #Tags Andrea Metzger #Kunstuniversität #bibifinster Clemens Stöttinger Kunstuniversität Linz Julien Segarra More from Channel 00:07:50 Ein Film von Andreas Toth. 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