Am 4. Dec. 2020 | 17:00 Uhr

Sankt Interface Day

Created at 1. Dec. 2020

1838 Ansichten
by dorftv

‘Sankt Interface’ is an artistic project organized by Interface Cultures which serves also as the annual celebration of our department. It is not a coincidence that it is celebrated around every ninth of December, the same day of 1968 when Douglas Engelbart did his ultra-famous conference, known today as “The Mother of All Demos”.
At Sankt Interface, academic conferences, artistic performances, exhibitions, concerts and a “Computer Mouse Award” conform a celebration transforming into a happening in which students, professors, and friends of Interface Cultures participate at the same level.

This year’s event includes the keynotes by art historian, curator and lecturer Valentina Tanni. Her research focuses on the relationship between art and technology, with a particular focus on internet culture. She is adjunct professor of Digital Art at Politecnico University in Milan and lecturer of the course Culture Digitali (Digital Cultures) at NABA.

The second speaker is Benjamin Grosser, Associate Professor of New Media in the School of Art + Design, co-founder of the Critical Technology Studies Lab at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and a faculty affiliate in the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory and the School of Information Sciences, all at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an artist focusing on the cultural, social, and political effects of software;

But Sankt Interface 2020 also includes art performances, the sixth edition of the infamous ‘Computer Mouse Award‘ and a series of live music performances with electronic instruments, as well as some hot DJ sessions, which will close the night. It’s all a must see!

17:00-17:10 Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer
17:10-17:20 Introduction to Sankt Interface 2020! by Ph.D. Candidate César Escudero
17:20-18:05 Keynote by Valentina Tanni.
18:05- 18:50 Keynote by Benjamin Grosser.
18:50- 19:20 Q&A session.
19:20- 20:20 Computer Mouse Contest Award presented by Enrique Tomás
20:20- 20-40 Jury decision and awards ceremony
20:40- 21:40 Concerts from Interface Cultures Students, Teachers & Friends: (To be confirmed)
21:40- Open end DJ sessions.

Sankt interface Website:
Sankt Interface 2020 Edition:

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