
AMRO20_ LIGHTNING TALKS | Rob La Frenais, Eva-Maria Lopez, Simon Worthington

Created at 10. Jun. 2020

3322 Ansichten
by servus

Close to the Water

Rob La Frenais

The development of fast, light boats for the sport of rowing follows a parallel path with the history of capitalism, with, for example the development of faster and faster sailing clippers to beat the opposition to the market. As Virillio said “The invention of the ship was also the invention of the shipwreck”.

In this digital contribution, Rob will fragment some images and texts from a community project he is developing called ‘Wild Rowing’ and intersperse these with video clips from a live performance of "Close To The Water" in 2018.


I Never Promised You a Green Garden

Eva-Maria Lopez

In her artwork, Eva-Maria Lopez maps the changes in vegetation and plants in urban areas or in living rooms to record the loss of biodiversity and the agrochemical industry’s promises of a ‘better world’.

In her projects, Eva-Maria addresses the backstage of the ‘green business’ by subverting the marketing concepts of agrochemical companies and using their logos for ornaments: These ornamental designs look quite harmless and decorative, since they have similarities with motifs in folk art and mandalas – until one becomes aware that each single motif in this series consists of logos from companies that produce or sell glyphosate, or genetically modified plants.


SOS as Self Organising System

An XR Austria participant

Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimize the risk of social collapse.

We use a decentralized organizational model called SOS (Self Organising System). This system enables us to harness group wisdom while remaining agile and being able to respond quickly to emerging situations. Locally and globally.


Demand 100% open research now! #ock

Simon Worthington

In this lightning talk, Simon Worthington, researcher in future publishing, including — free and open source software, economic models, and the politics of Open Science will present his research in Computational Cultural Publishing and its relation with Open Science. He will also introduce the structure of the Climate Emergency Sprint he organizes within #AMRO20.

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