
Manic Freak - Strassenkünstler

Created at 25. Jul. 2016

4629 Ansichten
by DORFbrunnen

Juan Ignacio Rey was born on 4th of February 1984 in Mar del Plata, Argentina. He is a juggler, acrobat and clown. He trained and studied at the “Escuela Nacional de Circo Criollo” from brothers Videla. He worked at the Theater Colón, in Buenos Aires City, as acrobat on the play “Death on Venecia”. He made works on tv as a double of risk, from the Production FX. He has also performed at videos of musical bands.

He participated in a lot of street art festivals with his sole spectacle “Manic Freak little clown”, reaching six hundred shows in twelve seasons. Besides the festivals in Spain, Germany, Austria, France, Portugal, Brazil, Costa Rica and Argentina, he presented his spectacle in Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, Marruecos, Egypt, Scotland, Holland and England in a independent way. He made the Circuito Sesc das Artes and the Circuito Paulista in Brazil. He won the first place in the Festival da Rua de Povao do Barzim, in Portugal. During 2010 he participated of the Organization Payasos sin Fronteras, performing his shows in Haití. On September 2011 he worked in “Rambo Circus”, a circus in India. He also performed in the historical center of Katmandú, Nepal in 2011, on benefit of NGO.

In 2005 founds, with his family, the festival called Hazmereir in Mar del Plata city. Since that day the Fundation made a lot of donations and solidary shows. They also perform an edition of the festival every year.

With Cambalache Circus, show which tango techniques, malambo and humor circus are mixed, he made the Circuito SECS das Artes in Brazil, besides a lot of festivals.


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