
Company Zagreb

Created at 21. Jul. 2016

5180 Ansichten
by DORFbrunnen

La Rosa de los Vientos,

ZagreB is born from the collaboration between Torpeza Ritmika and Eric Tarantola.

A fearless clown mastering the Cyr wheel accompanied by a one man band of modern times.

Together they are creating a unique world combining theatre, circus along music of the world.

Torpeza Ritmika is this eccentric clown teasing her audience who like to surprise, amuse people. She is an experienced acrobat dancer combining elegance and grace mastering the Cyr wheel over the music waves of the one man band.

Eric Tarantola is not just a musician but an orchestra of his own. From his sophisticated magic music box, Eric will blend different styles and influences transporting the audience into an imaginary world.

"La rosa de los vientos" is an interactive show associating sense of humour and poetry for all audiences.

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