We are thrilled to announce the new edition of Sound Campus, a sound program presented in collabo
Benjamin Brunnbauer @ Ars Electronica 2024,
Some impressions of the light and sound installation #eachnamematters - a collaboration by the MA
In an era in which truth is increasingly elusive and subjective, the latest Interface Cultures st
The Masters by Elena Nox (JP/AU)
Living with Bots
Von 8. bis 12.
„Sound Art before midnight, and Techno after midnight.“ lautet Wolfgang Dorningers lustvolles Mot
The course offers an introduction to design with procedural techniques for creating content for a
Juergen Hagler – Introduction: The Kinaesthetics of Music and Vision; João Pedro Oliveira – Gestu
Harry Whalley – Panel II Introduction: In Front of Your Eyes and Ears; Giusy Caruso, Bavo Van Ker
Rose Bond – Keynote: Sounding Together – Choreographing the Unpredictable; Birgitta Hosea & J
The course offers an introduction to the Unreal game engine and consists of two parts: the first
Roman Rappak – Telling The Future Through Art and Technology & Kate Edwards – Forging A More
POSTCITY, AIxMusic Stage
08.09.2019, 10.00-13.00
AIxMusic Festival, Ars Elelectronica 2019 Stift St. Florian, Sommerrefektorium