
Open Design Symposium / Art University Linz / #0 - Introduction

Created at 25. May. 2012

20859 Ansichten
by dorftv

Art University Linz, 23.5.2012

The Open Design Symposium Linz intends to discuss the Open Design practice from various perspectives, such as art, design, engineering, education, society and economy. An international selection of expert speakers will provide an insight into the state of the art and future directions of an emerging field, which holds countless opportunities for regional development and worldwide distribution based on the principles of collaboration and shared knowledge.

Reinhard Kannonier (Rector of the Art University Linz)
Patrick Bartos (CEO Creative Regions Linz & Upper Austria)
Martin Kaltenbrunner (Univ. Prof. Interface Cultures, organizer of the symposium)

Recording of the live broadcast of dorf tv.

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