+ A!KO Dance Festival Created at 24. Aug. 2023 268 Ansichten by elena.richtsfeld BeschreibungEmbed A!KO TANZ invited you to Special Summer Workshop! A!KO TANZ FEST was established in 2022, to celebrate the 130th anniversary year of diplomatic relations between Austria and Korea. The main purpose of the festival is to introduce selected dance works through international dance cooperation and give the audience the dignity and joy of the dance art. Also, support emerging dance artists in expanding to the global field and make a variety of dance events to make people united in the dance. In August 2023, A!KO TANZ FEST had a special summer dance edition with Bogyeol Chum Life (Korea) and conducted intense dance workshops in Linz Austria, and Plovdiv Bulgaria. The aim of the workshop was the ‘sharing dance, sharing us’, and hoped to expand powerful and peaceful messages to people about Accompany with Valuable life, and dance. 1-2 of the August workshop with Korean choreographer 'Choi Bo Gyeol' and her dance troupe 'Bogyeol Chum Dance' made the open workshop. This was open level class, and wanted to invite you who are interested in community dance. All ages, sex, and level are welcome! We love difference, diversity, and individuality! Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. danceTV - Red SAPATA Tanzfabrik 12 Videos, 5 Members Playlists #Tags Choi Bo Gyeol Damián Cortés Alberti RED SAPATA Bogyeol Chum Dance LiLi Lee Jung In Sonnensteinloft #tanzen Ilona Roth Korea A!KO More from Channel 00:32:08 Das tanzhafenfestival wirft von 14. bis 25. Oktober 2022 bereits zum 6. 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