
Tanzhafen festival 2017- Linz Week 1

Created at 14. Jun. 2017

4787 Ansichten
by DORFbrunnen

The tanzhafenFESTIVAL is a diverse, innovative festival for dance arts relating also to media and performance art. It showcases contemporary european artists and dance makers.
Being a young festival and serving as a platform for european dance art we pursue to show a variety of artistic approaches, high quality art and to communicate closely with the audience members. We want to build bridges and make the “most daring” art relatable to local audiences. We try to make this happen by choosing conventional theatres as well as unconventional venues, new formats, different ways of discussions, workshops and possibilities to participate.
Therefore we are closely cooperating with local institutions and venues in the city of Linz and the region of Upper Austria. We try to create a generous atmosphere that allows people to connect and to participate.
– Ulrike Hager, Ilona Roth

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