Am 23. Jun. 2022 | 22:00 Uhr + protocol - part 10 - #AVATARS episode 01 - immersive Created at 21. Jun. 2022 725 Ansichten by BeschreibungEmbed TERRA NOVA protocols - part 10 - #AVATARS episode 01 Das temporäre Kollaborativ aus Künstler*innen und Expert*innen fokusiert, der komplexen Gegenwart auf der Spur, die Hybridisierung unserer gegenwärtigen Existenz. Die radikale Veränderung unserer Lebensparameter sind bereits tief in unser Alltagsleben eingedrungen. Die ambivalente Situation zwischen spielerischer Selbstgestaltung, einer enormen Ausweitung unseres Kommunikationshorizont und den ungeahnten Möglichkeiten der Kontrolle und Reglementierung, die bis in kleinste Detail reichen, verändert nicht nur den sozialen und politischen Kontext unseres Lebens, sondern auch unser Selbst- und Weltbild in noch nie dagewesenem Ausmaß. Die digitale Kommunikationswerkzeuge der Gegenwart haben bereits hybride Wesen aus uns gemacht, die weit über unseren physischen Aktionsradius hinausreichen. ---------------- english ----------------------------- The temporary collaborative of artists and experts focuses on the hybridisation of our present existence, on the trail of the complex present. The radical change of our life parameters has already deeply penetrated our everyday life. The ambivalent situation between playful self-design, an enormous expansion of our communication horizon and the unimagined possibilities of control and regimentation that reach down to the smallest detail, not only changes the social and political context of our lives, but also our view of ourselves and the world to an unprecedented extent. The digital communication tools of the present have already made hybrid beings out of us, that reach far beyond our physical radius of action. Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. TERRA NOVA protocols 13 Videos, 2 Members Playlists #Tags Thomas Jelinek #terranovaprotocols More from Channel 00:00:16 TEST.TUBE.LAB 01 # ANTHROPOZÄN - EPISODE 01 TERRA NOVA protocols - START: 14. April 2022 - 22:00 - save TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 10 months 00:32:49 TERRA NOVA protocols - part 10 - #AVATARS episode 01 protocol - part 10 - #AVATARS episode 01 - immersive TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:32:00 episode 02 - metaverse protocol - part 11 - #AVATARS episode 02 - metaverse TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:42:58 Terra Nova protocols protocol - part 12 - AVATARS episode 03 - controverse protocol - part 12 - #AVATARS episode 03 - controverse TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 2 months 00:46:57 # HABITAT - episode 02 protocol - part 3 #HABITAT - episode 02 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months 00:39:18 # HABITAT - episode 03 protocol - part 4 #HABITAT - episode 03 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months 00:40:50 TERRA NOVA protocols PART 8 protocol – part 8 #INTELLIGENCE - episode 03 - emotion hybr TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:38:15 # HABITAT - episode 04 GATEWAY protocol - part 5 #HABITAT - episode 04 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 4 months 00:39:35 Gedächtnis und Kybernetische Intelligenz - KI protocol part 7 #INTELLIGENCE - episode 02 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 4 months 00:33:15 HABITAT - episode 01 EXODUS protocol PART 2 #HABITAT - episode 01 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months 00:36:02 #ANTHROPOCENE - episode 01 protocol - PART 1 #ANTHROPOZÄN episode 01 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months 00:26:12 TERRA NOVA protocols PART 9 protocol - part 09 - #INTELLIGENCE episode 04 - consciousnes TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months Mehr vom User 00:00:16 TEST.TUBE.LAB 01 # ANTHROPOZÄN - EPISODE 01 TERRA NOVA protocols - START: 14. April 2022 - 22:00 - save TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 10 months 00:32:49 TERRA NOVA protocols - part 10 - #AVATARS episode 01 protocol - part 10 - #AVATARS episode 01 - immersive TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:32:00 episode 02 - metaverse protocol - part 11 - #AVATARS episode 02 - metaverse TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:42:58 Terra Nova protocols protocol - part 12 - AVATARS episode 03 - controverse protocol - part 12 - #AVATARS episode 03 - controverse TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 2 months 00:46:57 # HABITAT - episode 02 protocol - part 3 #HABITAT - episode 02 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months 00:39:18 # HABITAT - episode 03 protocol - part 4 #HABITAT - episode 03 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months 00:40:50 TERRA NOVA protocols PART 8 protocol – part 8 #INTELLIGENCE - episode 03 - emotion hybr TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:38:15 # HABITAT - episode 04 GATEWAY protocol - part 5 #HABITAT - episode 04 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 4 months 00:39:35 Gedächtnis und Kybernetische Intelligenz - KI protocol part 7 #INTELLIGENCE - episode 02 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 4 months 00:33:15 HABITAT - episode 01 EXODUS protocol PART 2 #HABITAT - episode 01 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months More like this 00:42:58 Terra Nova protocols protocol - part 12 - AVATARS episode 03 - controverse protocol - part 12 - #AVATARS episode 03 - controverse TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 2 months 00:40:50 TERRA NOVA protocols PART 8 protocol – part 8 #INTELLIGENCE - episode 03 - emotion hybr TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:28:22 Mit der neuen Folge der TERRA protokolle #tnp – die gleichzeitig den nächsten Abschnitt der Serie protocol part 6 #INTELLIGENCE - episode 01 - MATTER / MATER TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 4 months 00:26:12 TERRA NOVA protocols PART 9 protocol - part 09 - #INTELLIGENCE episode 04 - consciousnes TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:39:35 Gedächtnis und Kybernetische Intelligenz - KI protocol part 7 #INTELLIGENCE - episode 02 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 4 months 00:32:00 episode 02 - metaverse protocol - part 11 - #AVATARS episode 02 - metaverse TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 3 months 00:41:41 Expanded Animation 2014 Franziska Bruckner EA2014 02 Franziska Bruckner Expanded Animation since 9 years 5 months 00:46:57 # HABITAT - episode 02 protocol - part 3 #HABITAT - episode 02 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months 00:38:15 # HABITAT - episode 04 GATEWAY protocol - part 5 #HABITAT - episode 04 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 4 months 00:48:22 In this talk I will focus on strategies that expand and question the traditional use of the scree EA16 04 Jonas Hansen - No Frame I Animation Hagenberg FH HAGENBERG since 7 years 2 months 01:12:06 Eine Veranstaltung der Grand Garage. TECH-BRUNCH #10: IMPERCEPTIBLE TEXTILE INTERFACES Grand Garage since 4 years 5 months 00:39:18 # HABITAT - episode 03 protocol - part 4 #HABITAT - episode 03 TERRA NOVA protocols since 2 years 5 months