
Milarepa's story - performed by Marek Borsanyi

Created at 5. Sep. 2011

13258 Ansichten
by Arijyak

Poesie, Musik und visuelle Performance lose inspiriert von der alte buddhistische Legende von Milarepa.
... Die Geschichte einer Reise von der Verzweiflung zum Verstehen, von schwarzer Magie zur Erleuchtung ...

Poetry, music & visual performance loosely inspired by the ancient Buddhist legend of Milarepa.
…The story of a journey from despair to understanding, from black magic to enlightenment…

The poetry & music written and performed by Marek Borsanyi/Krumau is accompanied by under camera manipulations (Or shall we rather call it magic?) created during the performance by Nanouche Oriano. That is, in the crucible of Marie Polakova’s custom made software, blended with previously filmed moving images & puppet animation footage and enriched by a pinch of sound responsive effects.

The result is a seamless, dream-like journey of poetry, music and visual imagery.
And even though the performance is carefully prepared, it is never the same.
It is always an experiment, with surprises to come for performers and audiences alike.

As someone from the audience claimed once:
„….What they are doing is alchemy” ….“

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