

Created at 13. Jun. 2024

75 Ansichten
by Basir Ahmad

10:00 - 13:00 Panel 2
Migrating memories: Intergenerational transfer of material narratives in the contexts of migration
Moderated by: Alison J. Clarke (University of Applied Arts Vienna)

6. bis 8. Mai 2024 University of Arts Linz, Hauptplatz 6, Hörsaal C and ONLINE

Narrativization of vernacular archives within intergenerational and transnational memory transfer

Live Stream:  www.dorftv.at 
Chat Funktion: cloud.dorftv.at

This three-day symposium at the University of Arts Linz, Austria, deals with vernacular and family archives from the 20th century. Throughout three panels and a round table, we present different academic and artistic research projects that investigate distinct modes of intergenerational and transnational memory transfer. The archives they deal with are addressed as places of storage, of consignment and visibility, but also of concealment of power over history, histories and discourse. The different research projects and positions assembled in PASS(ED) ON represent a broad spectrum of theoretical and practice-based methodologies of examining archives, stemming from cultural sciences, artistic research and memory studies. 

The vernacular and family archives under investigation exist as organic bodies of collected documents, oral histories and different kinds of memorabilia. These media objects are generally assembled and stored according to autobiographical and idiosyncratic criteria. The focus of PASS(ED) ON lays upon how to reflect, relate to and reproduce the collective social processes in which they exist and, at the same time, to see in which ways they transcend them. By focusing on these archives’ specific operational mechanisms, and by acknowledging them as places for the articulation of lived and transmitted experience with macro-political and historical dimensions, the interest of this symposium is to inquire about the way they entangle with institutionalized and cultural memory.

Each panel of PASS(ED) ON – 1. The mute archive: Post generational work on violence and perpetration within concealed archives; 2. Migrating memories: On the intergenerational transfer of material narratives in the contexts of migration and 3. Inherited Revolution: On the privatization and intergenerational transfer of narratives of collective upheaval – addresses vernacular archives through different historical and contextual focal points which bring together diverse methodologies to critically inform us on the different collective processes at stake and on the routes of their transfers of memory. With the round table From the attic to the museum: inscribing vernacular archives into collective history, we venture into a presentation and discussion of different projects in which vernacular archives undergo a process of institutionalization and of inscription into historiography and collective history.

PASS(ED) ON is conceived by Ana de Almeida, Lena Ditte Nissen and Elif Süsler-Rohringer as part of their DOC-Team project “Stay and tell: memory objects and narratives of appropriation. Tracing social change in text, photographs and patterns within personal archives” which is funded by the ÖAW – Austrian Academy of the Sciences. The symposium is generously supported by the University of Arts Linz, by the Zentrum Fokus Forschung - University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna.

Speakers: Andrea Ancira, Vida Bakondy, Ana de Almeida, Georgia Holz, Berthold Molden, Lena Ditte Nissen, Monika Palmberger, Edward Serotta, Elif Süsler-Rohringer, Huda Takriti, Marcela Torres Heredia, Markus Wurzer, Mai Ling.

Moderation: Alison J. Clarke, Karin Harrasser, Gudrun Rath, Mariel Rodríguez Rodríguez

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We will take photos during the event and publish them via our communication channels. The symposium will be live streamed on DORF TV. By participating in this event, you acknowledge this. Of course, you can ask the photographer and camera not to include you in their frame.

Contact: lena.nissen@kunstuni-linz.at 

full program

The symposium takes place in presence, an online live-stream with the possibility to raise questions via chat will be provided. To take part online please register here.


15:00 - 15:30 Welcoming remarks
Karin Harrasser, Ana de Almeida, Lena Ditte Nissen and Elif Süsler-Rohringer

15:40 - 18:00 Panel 1
The mute archive: Post generational work on violence and perpetration within concealed archives 
Moderated by: Karin Harrasser (University of Arts Linz)

  1. Lena Ditte Nissen (University of Arts Linz and ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences)
    Mother, Wife, Nazi –  Intergenerational heritage of national socialist women in families
  2. Markus Wurzer (University of Graz)
    The Mute Archives’ Guardians. Material Legacies of Habsburg Imperialism and Transgenerational Memory Production in Austria.
  3. Andrea Ancira (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
    Infinite rehearsals of memory and impossible archives.

18:00 - 18.30 Get Together


10:00 - 13:00 Panel 2
Migrating memories: Intergenerational transfer of material narratives in the contexts of migration
Moderated by: Alison J. Clarke (University of Applied Arts Vienna)

  1. Elif Süsler-Rohringer (University of Applied Arts Vienna and ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences)
    Cut, Trace, Design, Repeat: Clothing Patterns and Materializing Knowledge in Family Memory
  2. Monika Palmberger (University of Vienna and University of Leuven)
    Tracing Memories: Narratives Across Digital and Physical Realms. 
  3. Mai Ling (artist collective and association)
    Who is Mai Ling?: Strategies of Anonymity and Collective Voices. 

13:00 - 14:00 lunch break

14:00 - 17:00 Panel 3
Inherited Revolution: Privatization and intergenerational transfer of narratives of collective upheaval
Moderated by: Mariel Rodríguez Rodríguez (University of Arts Linz)

  1. Ana de Almeida (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences)
    From the shoebox to the archive. On mapping an intergenerational and inter-revolutionary space between the Carnation Revolution in Portugal and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia.
  2. Huda Takriti (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
    Hybrid Archives? On the Possibilities of Surviving Archival Erasure Practices. 
  3. Marcela Torres Heredia and Berthold Molden from the collective Viena Chilena (University of Vienna)
    (Re)constructing History: Chilean Migration Memory in Vienna. 

17:00 - 17:30 Get Together


10:00 - 12:30 Round Table
Moderated by: Gudrun Rath (University of Arts Linz)
From the attic to the museum: inscribing vernacular archives into collective history 

  1. Vida Bakondy What remains: Objects of migration in the Museum from the project Migration Sammeln and Geteilte Geschichte: Vivana - Beč - Wien  supported by the Integration and Diversity Department of the City of Vienna (MA 17) and the Vienna Museum.
  2. Georgia Holz Anonymity and Absence - Archival Sites for Speculation supported by the Angewandte Programme for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Projects in Art and Research (INTRA), University of Applied Arts Vienna.
  3. Edward Serotta CENTROPA – Center for Research and Documentation of Jewish Life in Eastern and central Europe

12:30 - 13:00 Closing remarks
Ana de Almeida, Elif Süsler-Rohringer and Lena Ditte Nissen 

13:00 - 14:00 Get Together and Goodbyes


Live gestreamt am 07. Mai 2024

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