
Werner Puntigam's PIPES & VIBES - a tribute to Anton Bruckner / 'Interlude 03' ft. Inés Pérez-Wilke

Created at 7. Mar. 2024

29 Ansichten
by Werner Puntigam _ pntgm EAR X EYE

'P&V Interlude 03': one of seven contemporary dance videos as part of Werner Puntigam's interdisciplinary concert project 'PIPES & VIBES - a tribute to Anton Bruckner' (https://www.ear-x-eye.info/music-projects/pipes-and-vibes/) that had its successful world premiere at Brucknerhaus Linz on October 18, 2023. Inés Pérez-Wilke (dance & choreography) Werner Puntigam (video script, camera, images on screen, edit, music*, general conception & production) *) performed on trombone & conch shell only The realization of this project has been kindly supported by Linz Kultur as part of the 'an_TON_Linz' series.

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