+ PHOEBE VIOLET - Cenizas Created at 17. Sep. 2021 957 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed Phoebe Violet - Cenizas / one take @ home Si nuestro cuento pudiese cambiar, cambiaría nuestro final. Te partí el corazón, inesperado, irracional. Yo tan joven, tu ego herido, de ti solo amargura al ver lo sucedido. Te canto el final donde el tú y yo emocional ya racional se despide. Directed by Phoebe Violet VIDEO Singer and violinist: Phoebe Violet (CR/UK) Violinist: Agata Sikorska (PL) Cellist: Zsófia Günther-Mészàros (HN) Camara: Ivaylo Iordanov (BG) Drone footage: Droninit (BG) www.instagram.com/droninit/ Music & lyrics / vocals / violin / recording / mix & master / concept / video editing by Phoebe Violet One take @ home https://www.phoebeviolet.com/ ---- ASHES No, don't say no. What can I do without a heart? Your eyes were the last sunset that my soul saw. What about the thousand words that I yearned for? Where is your shame? I will not cry. Another world no longer exists, Yes I know, I will not cry. Ashes to be lost at sea. Ashes to be lost at sea. What theory can I give you? Maybe I will forget you today. But should memories return tomorrow, memories of an old love, I will suffer you. Easy it is to blame you, I won't lie. I ask you mercifully, do not hurt again. This world still goes round and round an ending is not the end Ashes to be lost at sea. Ashes to be lost at sea. If you want look into the future. The person you are can no longer feel. If the love that two create, can allow you to live again Ashes to be lost at sea. Ashes to be lost at sea. Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Musikvideo 1142 Videos, 38 Members #Tags Phoebe Violet Droninit Agata Sikorska Cenizas Zsófia Günther-Mészáros Ivaylo Iordanov More from Channel 00:04:19 Musikvideo von Mischkultur. 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