
Sample As That – Listening Session #1 – Kick-Off (Episode 1 – Season 2)

Created at 4. Mar. 2021

2196 Ansichten
by eliot arts

Collaborative project by Eliot & Stadtwerkstatt: a series of community events for sampling, providing a (virtual) space and a sample for the participants – within 2 hours everyone crafts a beat/track/collage/… in their respective home-studios, using the same source material; hence this sample, that is hand picked every time by a curator.

After these 2 hours, all beats are uploaded and presented in this form of a tv-show – giving context to the curated sample and the tracks heard. Talks with the curator, guests as well as the producers, respectively - hosted by Lukas Jakob Löcker aka Eliot.

"Sample As That" happens each first Thursday of every second month – next issue will take place and air on April 1st 2021!

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