+ Kinesics of Letters | March Created at 13. Jul. 2020 2429 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed Video: Tiia Suorsa (FI, 2020) Video poetry is looking closer at the everyday moments and the shape of time and space. In isolation moments and small things took a vague form. Digital and analog are overlapping and blending together. This project continues Suorsa’s research of urban spaces we live in.” Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Zeitbasierte Medien 32 Videos, 2 Members #Tags #animation kunstuni linz Corona Zeitbasierte Medien Lockdown Tiia Suorsa Textanimation Kunstuniversität Linz More from Channel 00:30:35 Eine queere Theorie-Tombola mit Barbara Paul als Präsidentin OVAL OFFICE -Extra Uni live aus dem OK Zeitbasierte Medien since 10 years 00:23:52 Brucknerhaus Linz - Freitag 08. 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