+ Sara Piñeros - Espacios imaginarios Created at 29. Nov. 2019 2416 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed Sara Piñeros - Espacios imaginarios Imaginary spaces. From photographs and videos captured during a year, a woman reflects about the look and the point of view in relation with the memory she has of these records. Have them replaces their memory or have them created a different experience that is not what she lives nor what is being seen in the images? Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Open Space 3609 Videos, 2128 Members #Tags Sara Piñeros #Doku Youki 19 More from Channel 00:07:50 Ein Film von Andreas Toth. 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Poesie im Tiergarten Walding Open Space since 13 years 9 months Mehr vom User 00:01:00 ein film von raffael stiborek eindrücke von paris tanyeah paris Open Space since 13 years 7 months 00:00:17 erster teil der kurzfilmreihe von lies lendais reiter 1 lies lendais Open Space since 13 years 8 months 00:00:12 dritter teil der kurzfilmreihe "reiter" lies lendais reiter3 lies lendais Open Space since 13 years 8 months 00:00:13 vierter teil der kurzfilreihe "reiter" lies lendais reiter4 lies lendais Open Space since 13 years 8 months 00:00:06 idiotes.. lise lendais bovary á table Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:11 idiotes... lise lendais bovary á table 3 Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:03:10 fuzzy zieht um trailer zum dokumentarfilm vom bernhard roschitz fuzzy zieht um, trailer zum dokumentarfilm Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:12 madame bovary lies lendais madame bovary Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:29 bovary pluie2 lies lendais 3.teil der kurzfilmstrecke bovary pluie2 Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:18 bovary rotte lies lendais 4.teil der kurzfilmstrecke bovary rotte Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:00:24 bovary pluie lies lendais kurzfilmstrecke bovary pluie Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:01:26 am rad : walter mayerhofer ein film von raffael stiborek BMX movie raffael stiborek Open Space since 13 years 7 months More like this 00:11:32 Sara Piñeros - El ruido de fondo Sara Piñeros - El ruido de fondo Open Space since 5 years 2 months 01:56:05 https://www.faces-l.net/ FACES - Our Bodies, Our Data: a real/virtual event DORFTV. link since 3 years 3 months 00:43:27 Mihai Grecu makes what would be defined as non-narrative short films mixing 3D simulation techniq EA16 02 Mihai Grecu - Under the Centipede Sun I Animation Ha FH HAGENBERG since 7 years 7 months 00:52:19 DJ SPINELLY (Vienna, Austria) The Empress Club N°9 - DJ Spinnley #1 The Empress Club since 10 years 3 months 00:05:02 The airing project is an ongoing project in which Mariko Hori installed small objects all over th Mariko HORI - ''swing,fishermen or confiture'', the airing p Kunst since 9 years 11 months 00:39:39 HOW NOT TO WIN AN OSCAR Expanded Animation - Ars Electronica 2017 - Job, Joris & Mar FH HAGENBERG since 5 years 7 months 00:41:55 The silence of Asian people in history has played its part to fulfil the myth of being the “model Mai Ling Speaks #03 echoræume since 4 years 5 months 00:40:13 Expanded Animation 2014 Robert Seidel EA2014 03 Robert Seidel Expanded Animation since 9 years 10 months 00:48:25 a film by Jakob Kattner Calle Libre - graffiti & street art in Latin America Filme auf DORFTV since 10 years 9 months 00:54:21 THAT FUCKING SARA'S (Berlin, Germany) first contact to music was through electric boogie. The Empress Club N°9 - THAT FUCKING SARA (Ger) The Empress Club since 10 years 3 months 00:39:33 Marina Gržinić will talk about the exhibition that is at view in the next 2 months (until mid of POLITICS, ART, SOCIETY - Marina Gržinić and Rubia Salgado in DORFTV open house since 7 years 8 months 00:03:33 EDUCATIONAL AIM OF THE VIDEO: EDIT 2017 - JUST MARRIEN'T PHTV since 7 years