+ The Citizen Artist Incubator | Karmen Tockmaji Created at 18. Aug. 2017 4314 Ansichten by dorftv BeschreibungEmbed The Citizen Artist Incubator is the first program developed for performing artists that aspire to develop new ways of using collaborative artistic innovation to create an active impact on current issues and global challenges. The first edition took place from 4 till 30 September at Laxenburg Castle, 20km outside Vienna. The second edition will be from 2 till 28 July 2017 in the Tabaksfabrik in Linz, Austria. The faculty is composed of artists that have found effective ways to address pressing problems through their artistic practice, leading academics, scientists, policy makers, and experts from the fields of change management, conflict resolution, systems analysis, fundraising and media. http://www.citizenartist.eu/ Aufgezeichnet am 27.07.2017 Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. 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