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Time's Up - Laboratory for the construction of experimental situations. 
".... it takes all the running you can do, just to stay in place." - ´The Red Queen effect´
 Founded in 1996, Time's Up has its principal locus in the Linz harbour of Austria. Its mission is to investigate the ways in which people interact with and explore their physical surroundings as a complete context, discovering, learning and communicating as they do. Thus our research is based upon constructing interactive situations not unlike the normal physical world, inviting an audience into them and encouraging their playful experience-driven exploration of the space and its behaviours, alone and in groups. In this research process we use tools from the arts and design, mathematics, science and technology as well as sociology and cultural studies. Our goals are to collaboratively investigate the world and its options with a general public, communicating and discussing these discoveries through workshops, publications, teaching and symposia.

Kontakt: info@timesup.org

web: http://timesup.org/

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