+ 3D – Roadtrip (Ill Mindz Promo 2014) Created at 22. May. 2014 10922 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed "there and back again – ill mindz @ wängl tängl 2012 ... a roadtrip with def ill, konstantin diggn & digga mindz. promo video for their latest/comming releases 'Wundaschen' – 'IGNIKF' – 'Real Recognize Real Remixed' including some exclusive unreleased remixes by konstantin diggn!" --- soundsnippet by konstantin diggn tracklist: - Def Ill – IGNIKF-Intro (3D-edit) Def Ill – Blood of the Goat / Soundbwoy Verse Digga Mindz – Durch meine Augn (Konstantin DIggn RMX) Ill Mindz – Nicht (Konstantin Diggn RMX) Ill Mindz – Wir biten net (Konstantin Diggn RMX) Digga Mindz – Ich seh - get all releases @ dopeshit.at & deepsoul records dopeshit.at / facebook.com/deep.soul.records.vienna - online releases @ bandcamp defill.bandcamp.com / diggamindz1.bandcamp.com diggamindz1.bandcamp.com/album/ill-mindz-real-recognize-real - news & the latest shit: boombokkz.com / honigdachs.at / defill.wordpress.com credits --- 'Nicht' & 'Wir biten net' – shot live @ Musik Pavillon / WÄNGL TÄNGL 2012 Mayrhofen, Tyrol, 23rd March 2012 [live on stage] Ill Mindz feat. Konstantin Diggn & Brother Louis supporting M.O.P., Roots Manuva & Blak Twang - idea, montage & cut by eliot filmed by eliot & hannalog sound arranged & edited by konstantin diggn inserts & vfx by ste van dorn produced by eliot linz, 2014 Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Musikvideo 1145 Videos, 38 Members #Tags DEF ILL rap Mundartrap hip hop More from Channel 00:04:19 Musikvideo von Mischkultur. Mischkultur - fliagn - Official Video Musikvideo since 9 years 6 months 00:02:24 The Torpeza is spontaneous und funny and at the same time, udder up in rhythmic movements which a Torpeza Ritmika Musikvideo since 8 years 7 months 00:00:00 Costa de la Muerte: Supa Linza Eis OK Musikvideo since 8 years 7 months 00:06:03 The Last Show is my diploma project at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg. 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