+ Orig.ami Trailer Created at 7. Oct. 2019 3374 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed A Contemporary Dance Performance by "Strandless by Joy" Orig.ami is a piece that opposes knowledge and wisdom and how this is shaped, as an expression of our wild nature struggling with the conformissm of contemporary society. We project the body as a surface that can be printed, coloured and folded. Experience forms our beeing continously like papers processed by hands. Dance, Choreography, and Conception: Weng Teng and Elias Choi-Buttinger Trailer Music by: Hermes Sebastiao Riemer Supported by: UDG Vietnam Saigon, Red Sapata Tanzfabrik Austria, and Dream Community Taipei Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Open Space 3613 Videos, 2130 Members #Tags RED SAPATA Tanz Taipei Hermes Sebastiao Riemer UDG Vietnam Saigon Orig.ami Weng Teng Red Sapata Tanzfabrik Austria Elias Choi-Buttinger More from Channel 00:07:50 Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Antonio Vivaldi's FRÜHLING Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:01:34 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Maus Katz Hund Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:02:04 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Monsta Partey Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:02:07 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Die Verwandlung im Weltall Open Space since 13 years 10 months 01:48:30 ECHT/FALSCH. HOCHKONJUNKTUR DER FÄLSCHER Smoke on the Water 23.3.2011 Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:09:04 Was ist Kino. Ein Film von Andreas Toth. 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