
Listen To Leena | Decrypted

Created at 2. May. 2016

6952 Ansichten
by DORFbrunnen

'Decrypted' by Listen To Leena. Taken from debut album 'White Elephants' (Session Work Records).
Recorded and produced by Listen To Leena, Music & Lyrics by Lucia Leena. http://www.listentoleena.com

Get our album here: Session Work Records: http://www.sessionworkrecords.com
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/whi...
Amazon: http://www.amazon.de/White-Elephants-...

// Video Directed by
System Jaquelinde

// Costume Design
Angelika Daphne Katzinger

// Make Up
Tanja Obernberger

// Lighting Technicians
Michael Mayr
Jakob Wiesmayer

// Amazing Crew
Merve Köklü
Fabian Holzinger
Nana Thurner
Silvana Ajdinovic

// Concept, Camera, Production, Editing, Postproduction
System Jaquelinde

// Thanks to
Andreea Sasaran
David Chalupar
Valentin Ortner
Christoph Einfalt
Manuel Duringer
Thomas Diesenreiter
Chris Sennlaub
Andreas Liszt

// Supported by
Backlab Collective
Tabakfabrik Linz
Ars Electronica Futurelab
Kunstuniversität Linz



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